In A Fortnight - December 08, 2003

what's there to talk about? i'm sleepy. i'm at school, and i was hoping to be able to do my patternmaking final today, but i don't even know what it is!!! gahh!

i'm never missing classes again!

anyway, that's my frustration. i also have to do a buncha work for my other tuesday class. i'm trying not to leave that class out too terribly.

ahh's the most wonderful time of the year.

hmmm...sarcasm doesn't read well in text.

ernieway, i'm at school...i said that already...and i'm bored. or more like, the library clerk wasn't there, so i decided to do some thing over here until they show up.

*sings* i have nothing important to say!

but then again, maybe i do...

well, tonight is the second rehearsal for the christmas play. whoo! on saturday, we ran through it three times, just reading. it's fairly short, which is really really good considering the amount of time left. i just really really want it to work out. i think it'll be SUPER.

i think my brain's a little fried now. i was up far too late last night watching some dumb movie that i got hooked into for no good reason. i actually feel really good today, considering that it's what i will call intro to finals week. it might as well be called finals fortnight. it's really both the 10th and 11th weeks that we have finals. usually big projects are due on the 10th week and the big tests are the 11th week. well, at least that's how it is this term. the great thing about that is that once this week is over, i have sooooo much less to do. that's definitely something to be happy about.


Blog On - May 05, 2005

I Like Your Sleeves - April 07, 2005

Sucking At This - March 10, 2005

Why So Nervous? - March 03, 2005

Eased, Excited, and Enriched - February 02, 2005